A cup at Cafe Aghero

On the far banks
they're window seats
best in house

after the rain
everyone pressed inside 
twas another lifetime 

a moment ago
to ponder understand
realign the compass 

to the way-way back
legendary lost lands 
Mythos poetry and song

mapped in stars
stamped by dance
 and migration choreography

here on an island 
mind's paradise made
the great lost age

past reason 
and friend logic 
lies bare 

eternity plays
the kind of music
planetary discs sheer

the cosmos
devised cameo characters 
in more ways imaginable 

at first only vowels 
consonants then words
sooner or later its language

narrated in song
the Gods their cast
creatures and all of nature

rehousing civilisations
imposing new colonies 
drawn in garden caves

drama plays on
night thunder and lightning
still lives en plein air

actors you know 
make believe 
they pretent

by all accounts 
no one really keeps 
track of history 

confusion rules
engine malfunctions 
these are not the mystery

pseudo science
never ending attention wars 
social mefia

techno jargon 
industrial scale 
karma rules

a feeding frenzy 
and Eden's lost
to seas of plastic 

the script's written 
but Act three
you never know 

love peace harmony 
float above 
domestic humidity 

call the waiter 
order the drinks
the lights grow dim

back stage
places please 
curtains part

maitre d's
entre vous
fingers flick

how it ends
you'll find out
who to turn to

your hand in mine 
I love you too 

and so to sleep
to dream again 
awake once more 

on the shores
of Bardo Island 


Looking for the last cafe


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