Jeffree Skewes # Flag

We march this day
the way we usually do
in almost speechless dismay
and wonder where resilience is aways held
though it's January hot and shade little
small pleasures breezes from inland
across steady sun warmed bodies young old
babies too so many ancestors hold hands
our smiles flash proud knowing
this is the path and all over country it's home again
a mother aunty father uncle sister brother friend all red blooded
guide now without prejudice no other club's quite the same
etiquette in march is natural to speak each name we try to remember
the respect unparalleled not far from your campfire
shared food, a seat, a drink-of-water, a cup of tea and a story or two
coming home where have you been my dear old friend

didjeridu echos all those journeys forever made
the dreamtimes are called forth when dancing on earth
dusty and worth every step-formed ceremony
so surely she speaks clear and calls on us to say

I want to know you and now you sing this same song to me
a minute's silence bridges thousands of years
delivers everyone right-here-right-now in vigil dear friends
summon their spirits to show her we're listening

image: Reconciliation Flag / synthetic polymer, oil, aerosol paint on insulation material, desert sand on plywood. jeffree skewes 
