Jeffree Skewes - Lungs are burning

Imagine we knew for too long

something was wrong
Earth's lungs are now burning
alps become mush heat goes up
insects and ants invade tundra

corruption the game 
vegans are blamed
borders go up to shame
displaced refugees by boat
still more come by air
solutions evade politicians

people now see
where Woodstock was going
poets artists musicians activists 
kept singing a change is coming
you may say I'm a dreamer 
but life really is for living

the same wars keep raging

fuel and arms still selling
demonstrations raging
fascism is growing
hate speech defended
leader's insanity applause

trees and bees are vanishing
plastic and garbage 
a commodity 
smoke and drought 
now commonly 
stare back in our faces

desperately news reveals 
spins then fumbles 
online there's another warzone
confusion and radiation its cost
everything and nothing is lost
remember we knew 


verse by JS  Image: Lungs are Burning circular (Biologic) Jeffree Skewes 


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